Send Fresh Flowers to Tai Seng From a Local Florist

Same-Day Delivery Cut-Off Time: Monday-Friday: 2pm Saturday & Sunday: 11am

Customer Service Hotline: +(65) 6904 4046

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From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $99.90 $108.89 (Incl. Tax)
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From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
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From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
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From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $89.90 $97.99 (Incl. Tax)
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From $89.90 $97.99 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $39.90 $43.49 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $69.90 $76.19 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $129.90 $141.59 (Incl. Tax)
From $59.90 $65.29 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $89.90 $97.99 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $79.90 $87.09 (Incl. Tax)
From $49.90 $54.39 (Incl. Tax)

Before it became a bustling industrial estate for numerous companies in Singapore, Tai Seng was a vibrant home to the residents of Tai Seng Village, which was originally known as Charn Mau Hern - meaning “lemongrass farm” in Teochew. In the late 1910s, Ang Young Huat invested in a rubber plantation and named it Tai Seng Rubber Factory, which eventually gave Tai Seng its name. However, in the 1970s, residents at Tai Seng were relocated to Dacheng Lane to make way for industrial developments. To date, the only remnant of Tai Seng Village is Hong San temple, which is a century old.

Now, there are plenty of amenities and facilities in the heart of Tai Seng Industrial Estate, which includes multiple food courts, shopfronts, florists and a dedicated MRT station.


Picking the Perfect Bouquet for Your Loved Ones

Bouquets are a romantic gesture for your significant other, or your loved ones. But how does one pick out a bouquet exactly?

For your most sociable friends who bring life to any party, go for seasonal blooms to show how much you appreciate the good energy and exciting things that they bring. Flowers such as baccarat roses, pink roses and chrysanthemums are great picks since they add vibrance and colour to any room - much like your friend.

For the die-hard romantics - your special someone, pick out a beautiful arrangement filled with flowers in shades of pastel or pink. Pink hydrangeas and Peruvian lilies work great in this case, since they symbolise everlasting commitment to your love. To turn up the romantic vibes, go ahead and arrange for a flower shop to deliver fresh flowers to their office in Tai Seng for a little midday surprise.


Send Flowers to Tai Seng With Floristique

Looking for an online florist to deliver fresh flowers to your special someone working at Tai Seng? Simply place your order online at Floristique before 2pm on weekdays and 11am on weekends to be eligible for same-day delivery.

Browse our full range of bouquets and flower arrangements online now.

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