Everything You Need to Know About Dried Flowers

| Wendy Han

While fresh flowers are stunning for celebrations or events, they don’t last more than a few weeks. You’re left with dead bunches of flowers you need to throw away. If you enjoy having them in your home, you may even spend money weekly to replace them.

Fortunately, dried flowers are another option you can try for a longer-lasting effect. You’ll add beauty and colour to your rooms while also presenting a specific theme.

In this quick guide, we’ll explain where to buy dried flowers in Singapore, what they are, the drying process, and the top benefits.

What are dried flowers?

Dried flowers are blooms taken from plants, bushes, and trees which are then dried and preserved in specific ways. They can last up to a year, longer than fresh flowers that only last about ten days. When placed in a home, it presents an atmosphere akin to a field or local market. It can also add a whimsical, playful touch.

When it comes to uses, dried flowers have a wider variety than fresh options. Besides long-lasting decorations, you can also use them for cooking, cleaning, gifting, candle-making, and in sachets, just to name a few examples. When you dye them in a special solution, they can last longer.

How are flowers dried?

When it comes to dried and preserved flowers in Singapore, there are four ways in which it can be done. One popular method is via air drying, where you group stalks together on a stick and hang them upside down in a dark environment. 

Another way you can use is with a microwave, where you heat a flower in silica sand for about three minutes in 30-second intervals. You also have the option of just leaving it to dry naturally in the silica sand without the heating technology. 

Finally, there’s the most popular method of pressing it in a book. It’s best to use heavy books and place the flowers in absorbent paper. The weight will help compress the foliage and petals, and you won’t ruin the pages of your book. Leave it there for about four weeks for the best effect.

What types of flowers can be dried?

There are plenty of species that are suitable for drying. What you want to aim for are colour and scent. What we mean by the latter is the delightful smell after you’ve dried and preserved them, which is different from the fresh versions. Not all flowers have the best scent after they die.

Some of the more popular flowers for drying include Agapanthus, Lavender, Eryngium, Peony, Sunflower, Statice, and Chrysanthemum. You’ll even find Roses and Gossypium, which are favourites in our Alexandria collection.

What Are The Benefits of Dried Flowers?

You’d be surprised to learn that there are several benefits to dried flowers. Besides beauty and extravagance, here’s why we love them:

  • Long lasting: If you preserve and care for them properly, dried flowers can last from a few months to over a year.
  • Low maintenance: Unlike a fresh plant or bonsai, dried flowers need almost no maintenance. You don’t need to water them, but you need to protect them from damage.
  • Incredible value for money: Depending on where you buy dried flowers in Singapore, you might pay more for dried flowers than fresh ones. As they last longer and you won’t invest too much in maintenance, it’s worth more in the long run.
  • Sustainable solution: As dried flowers are natural, they won’t harm the environment when they decompose. They also result in less waste than fresh flowers that you’ll just throw away.

Why is Floristique The Best Place To Buy Dried Flowers?

If you’re ready to buy dried and preserved flowers in Singapore, why not turn to Floristique? We have several bundles that may interest you, such as our Ellen and Kelly collections. You can choose from various delivery options, while our florists have flowers for numerous occasions. 

Feel free to contact us if you want to see which selection will suit you best.

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